We are on the Right Track!

The Chinese Culture is broad and profound. In it, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture contains a unique view on Life, Nature and Health. And we try to start from the needs students and teachers, create a series of interactive learning models suitable for them.
In 8 months of schools visiting tour, we received support from schools and teachers thought direct exchanges, interaction and contact. We are greatly encouraged to see students being very engaged in and learning.
Through the process, we have obtained some important proofs. It proves that schools always need a wide range of children’s learning resources. It proves that explaining the profound things in a simple way and entering the childlike world is an effective way. And most importantly, it proves that we are on the right track.
We believe “The way to solve problems is based on the attitude of looking at problems.” Since we have a lot of optimism and positivity, even the road is difficult and we will face it.
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