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小小華佗的誕生 Become Master Herbalist Junior/

CCCF Editor


“Become Master Herbalist Junior” has begun!

Come and Play!




接著而來的這個周末、日 ( 3月6、7日),除了「手工藥香」工作坊,還有故事姐姐登場,跟大家演繹中醫藥文化繪本故事,以及中醫師分享「中醫抗疲秘笈」和「痛症穴位按摩及紓緩方法」。有興趣的可用以下連結報名,名額有限啊!



Become Master Herbalist JuniorHASH Creative Chinese Medicine Culture Amusement Space at 7 Mallory Street, Wan Chai, has been launched for a week. The amusement space is not only for children, but many adults and elderly people expressed their interest and enjoyment.

The workshops were held on the weekend. The production process of Medicinal Incense was simple and fun. Children were satisfied with their favorite choice and took the finished product home. On Sunday, children and parents worked together to create a unique pattern for the gourd. In the afternoon, Chinese medicine practitioners from CMA gave two health lectures about daily living habits and diet.

In the following weekend and Sunday (March 6th and 7th), in addition to the Medicinal Incense workshop, there will also be a storyteller who will show you the story of a picture book of Chinese medicine culture. And two health lectures from Chinese medicine practitioners. Those who are interested can use the following link to sign up, seats are limited!

Our precious Chinese medicine cultural picture book also are displayed at the venue, which is a limited edition printed for the school only.

Note: The workshop will be changed or cancelled according to the weather. Please stay tuned to the latest posts on our Facebook or Instagram

「小小華佗的誕生」–– HASH創意中醫藥文化遊藝空間

Become Master Herbalist Junior –– HASH Creative Chinese Medicine Culture Amusement Space


10:30am -18:00pm


7 Mallory Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong


(Public open space on G/F, exhibition area on 2/F & 3/F, Multi-function Rooms 309 &311)


#小小華佗的誕生 #BecomeMasterHerbalistJunior

小小華佗的誕生資訊 Become Master Herbalist Junior News


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CCCFoundation 中華文化傳播基金


(稅局檔案編號 IRD ref no. 91/15508)

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