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健康書房 Health Study/

CCCF Editor


This March and April, we continue to contact Chinese Medicine Culture





This March and April we start with reading,

step into the playful learning space of diverse Chinese Medicine Culture.

Not only through picture books and words as the medium, but also to understand Chinese Medicine Culture from daily life. Basic necessities of life, food, housing, transportation and the environment have the enlightenment of traditional Chinese Medicine Culture on healthy life. Is it esoteric or mysterious? Learning from history will understand that the accumulation of previous experience is our wisdom in life.

We gathered together to understand the culture of Chinese Medicine in a playful way. Please look forward to the future moves of “Health Study”.


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CCCFoundation 中華文化傳播基金


(稅局檔案編號 IRD ref no. 91/15508)

©2019 中華文化傳播基金 Chinese Cultural Communication Foundation.

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