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識飲識食小華佗 Food Cultural by Little Huatuo/

CCCF Editor



“Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” Play and Learn Space—

Learning in Playing, Healthy and Simple Learning Activities


為期20天於H6 CONET舉行的「識飲識食小華佗」玩學空間圓滿結束了,大家有看到滿載草藥的神農氏嗎?找到屬於自己的體質嗎?吃對了健康的食物,食物同時是藥物,飲食節奏與節制的平衡,這些大家全都記得?





The 20-days “Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” Play and Learn Space held at H6 CONET has come to a successful conclusion. Have you seen the Shennong's filled with medicinal herbs? Have you find your own physique? Eat the right healthy food, food can also be medicine and the balance between eating rhythm and moderation. Do you all remember these?

Students who participated in the “Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” came to the Play and Learn Space. Under the guidance of the guide, they learned about the five zones of the Play and Learn space: “Medicine and Food Homology Zone”, “Cuisine Zone”, “Understand Ourself Zone”, “Eat Well Zone” and “Smart Classroom”, students learn more through interactive games. In the “Smart Classroom”, there is a big four smells and five flavors chessboard, where the students become chess pieces. They needed to think together toward a balanced diet.

Finally, the “Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” Play and Learn Space has been transformed into a virtual tour, which is set up on the “Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” website. Everyone can browse it again. You may make new discoveries.

識飲識食小華佗資訊 Food Cultural by Little Huatuo News


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