The “Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” Play and Learn Space has opened!!

飲食是我們每日的必須,而食物影響著我們身體的健康,所以「識飲識食」最重要。「識飲識食小華佗」計劃現推展至校外,於中環 H6 CONET 設置「識飲識食小華佗」玩學空間,一個讓大人小朋友認識中醫藥文化獨有的飲食智慧的地方,透過互動遊戲,輕鬆了解中醫藥文化如何應用於日常生活,達到「治未病」效果。

「識飲識食小華佗」玩學空間設有五個主題:「藥食同源」是以神農嘗百草故事,帶出食物與藥物的關係;「美食當前」觸控互動介紹四氣五味與健康;「認識自己」找出自己先天的體質,後天的我,心理、環境、氣候、季節大執位;「飲食有節」教你注意「1禍2節」,偏食帶來的禍害、節奏與節制的平衡都要知; 還有「智慧教室」,透過健康、簡易、玩學活動,邊玩邊學。
由現在開始至5月30日期間,「識飲識食小華佗」玩學空間設於中環皇后大道中99號中環中心地下的 H6 CONET 舉行。
日期:2024年5月11日(六) 至5月30日(四)
地點:H6 CONET(中環皇后大道中99號中環中心地下)

Diet is our daily necessity and food affects our body's health. “Knowing what you drink and what you eat” is the most important. The “Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” project has been extended to outside the school. The “Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” Play and Learn Space has been set up at H6 CONET in Central. It is a place where adults and children can learn about the unique dietary wisdom of Chinese medicine culture. Through interactive games, you can easily understand how Chinese medicine culture is applied in daily life to achieve the effect of “Preventing Disease”.
The “Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” Play and Learn Space has five themes: “Medicine and Food Homology Zone”, “Cuisine Zone”, “Understand Our self Zone”, “Eat Well Zone” and “Smart Classroom”.
From now until May 30, the “Food Cultural by Little Huatuo” Play and Learn Space will be held at H6 CONET on the ground floor of The Centre, 99 Queen's Road Central.
There will be a public lecture about “Knowing Food and Drinking” from 12:00 to 12:45 noon on May 25th (Sat). If you are interested, please mark the date. Everyone is welcome to participate!
Event Details:
Date: 11 May (Saturday) to 30 May (Thursday), 2024
Location: G/F, The Centre, 99 Queen’s Road Central, H6 CONET
Time: 10:00-18:00
識飲識食小華佗資訊 Food Cultural by Little Huatuo News