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Picture Books on
Chinese Medicine Culture
- Series Two

Rainie wanders the cultural space of Chinese Medicine again

Find, learn and comprehend

Hold a basket full of fun experience

Shuttle to schools, has a healthy daily life in childlike

The first series of picture books received good responses and positive comments from school teachers, students and parents.


After we learned from the origin and evolution of some words, to understand the experience of health behind; and we felt grateful for what the world has prepared for us and we learned from the nature.


The new serial project comprises Picture Books, School Visits and Fun Day.


New Extent. New feeling

Picture books will guide children to understand Chinese medicinal culture through stories and general knowledge. The complimentary copies of two new books, Secrets of Chinese Medicine and Good Memories of Chinese Medicinal Culture, will be delivered to the schools tentatively in April 2022.


Going hand in hand with online learning resources, school visits will mix stories, knowledge, games and creativity together. School visits will be launched tentatively from April to June 2022. Quota of schools is 10. Details will be announced soon.


Contact. Touched the True Meaning of Cultural Learning

Picture Book Fun Day will combine music, drama and games to create a platform for parental learning and exchange of different art forms. (One-day program. Tentatively launched in mid-year 2022. Details will be announced soon.)




Chinese Medicine For All



Chinese Medicine Development Fund

#SchoolVisit  #PictureBookFunDay

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CCCFoundation 中華文化傳播基金


(稅局檔案編號 IRD ref no. 91/15508)

©2019 中華文化傳播基金 Chinese Cultural Communication Foundation.

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