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Reports. Release

Second, the students will present reports on herbal plantation, in the forms of words, images, interviews or drawings. CCCF will produce a Virtual Tour for each school’s herbal garden.


Sharing. Observation

Lastly, the students’ reports and the Virtual Tours will be consolidated into a Virtual Expo for the public.




i-Herbal Garden

Participation. Learning

First, the Chinese medicine practitioners and the horticulturists will conduct school visits to brief on herbal medicine and plantation. The knowledge will be posted online. The participating schools will plant trees, climbing plants and herbs in their gardens.


Education focuses on learning, practicing and communication;

Learning focuses on issue, exploration and experience.

The i-Herbal Garden Project aims to promote the basic knowledge of Chinese medicine and the concepts of herbal medicine. It connects green schools, herbal gardens and exhibitions closely. The Project will enable primary school students to learn Chinese medicine through online and offline.

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CCCFoundation 中華文化傳播基金


(稅局檔案編號 IRD ref no. 91/15508)

©2019 中華文化傳播基金 Chinese Cultural Communication Foundation.

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