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Collection and Exhibition of Paintings from the “小畫手畫中醫” Series/

CCCF Editor

Children’s Traditional Chinese Medicine painting builds a new bridge for international exchanges of Traditional Chinese Medicine



Organized by the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (hereinafter referred to "WFCMS"), the “小畫手畫中醫” series of exhibitions is on a tour. The first stop was held at Qihuang Academy in Yongding, Beijing and the Château de Seine sur Cher in France. The second stop was Held in Guiyang and San Marino in Europe.


The third stop was jointly organized by the WFCMS and the Chinese Cultural Communication Foundation. Children's Chinese medicine paintings were displayed in Hong Kong and France during the opening of the World Congress of Chinese Medicine.

The event also solicited submissions from Hong Kong and Mainland children, and a total of 42 Hong Kong works and 46 Mainland paintings were selected, which exhibited at H6 CONET, the Central Center of Hong Kong, from October 25 to November 1. This activity received the support of Hong Kong schools and the active participation of students. The young painters used their unlimited creativity and chose a variety of themes. The creative materials were unique and interesting. Together with the children from the Mainland, used their immature brushes to depict the colorful traditional Chinese medicine world, presenting a wide variety of Chinese medicinal materials and distinctive traditional Chinese medicine elements to the general public.





活動同時面向香港、內地兒童進行徵稿,共選出42幅香港作品與46幅內地畫作,於1025日至111日期間起,在香港中環中心 H6 CONET 進行展出。這次活動得到香港學校的支持和同學的積極參與,小畫手們發揮無限創意,選擇的題材多元,創作素材各具特色,趣味紛呈;配合內地小朋友,共同用稚嫩畫筆描繪五彩斑斕的中醫藥世界,將種類多樣的中藥材、富有特色的中醫藥傳統元素呈現給廣大民眾。


In addition, the event selected 50 outstanding works (including 14 works by Hong Kong schoolchildren*) and went to France, where they were exhibited at the UNESCO World Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Centre Franco-Chinois de la Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise de Paris (Seine). Integrate a touch of childlike fun into the international exchange atmosphere.


The mainland and Hong Kong are closely linked in this art exhibition. Children from the two places create art around traditional Chinese medicine culture. This is the third time they have gone abroad, fully demonstrating the profound public foundation of Chinese medicine culture to the world, and deepening the world's further understanding of Chinese medicine culture. and awareness.

*Shortlist can be found on the project website





小畫手畫中醫 Series News


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