Understanding the Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture

Students from Kowloon Bay St. John the Baptist Catholic Primary School and Bishop Paschang Catholic School, who participated in the two-day “Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture. Study Tour. 2024”, shared their experiences and thoughts in the latest issue of the “Joyful Youth” section of the “Kung Kao Po”. They did this after exchanging with Chinese medicine practitioners and visiting places like the South China Botanical Garden Greenhouse and the Guangdong Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They said they no longer have stereotypes about traditional Chinese medicine and some students even decided to become Chinese medicine practitioners after the event.
參與了兩日一夜「嶺南中醫藥文化.旅學.2024」活動的九龍灣聖若翰天主教小學和天主教柏德學校的同學, 將他們透過與中醫師交流,參觀中國科學園華南植物園溫室館、廣東中醫藥博物館等景點的所見所聞,在最新一期《公教報》的《喜樂少年》分享了他們的體驗和感想。他們表示對中醫藥不再有刻板印象,有同學更在活動後,立志成為中醫師。
Link to “Joyful Youth”
前往 《喜樂少年》報導 連結
The Chinese Cultural Communication Foundation continuously expands and innovates, striving to walk alongside teachers, students, and parents from various schools. We hope that students will actively experience and integrate into traditional Chinese medicine culture through various learning experiences.

★ Study Tour Highlights ★
★ 旅學花絮片段 ★
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