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i-Herbal Garden/

CCCF Editor

Conclusion is the beginning of another bloom


The i-Herbal Garden planting activity started in November of last year. The students were experiencing the culture of Chinese Medicine, also setting foot on turning mud and soil. The students established an unexpected feeling through the process of maintenance and observation in this small garden.

Due to the pandemic, the face-to-face classes did not resume until late April. Of course, the impact of the period was unavoidable. Fortunately, the foundation was good when it was first cultivated. Most of the plants were vitality flourishing.

And the conclusion stage is approaching, the students will enjoy double achievements. They are not only gained the experience of learning. Meanwhile, their result will be able to share with the public. We’re collecting reports from participating schools and arranging VR filming teams to film medicine gardens at the same. The production of the virtual tour of Chinese medicine gardens in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan also in progress. The i-Herbal Garden Virtual Expo will be launched in June.



到了接近總結階段,同學們將享有雙重成果,一方面是學有所得的收成感受,另一方面是接觸大眾的交流分享。基金正陸續收集各參與學校的匯報,同時安排VR拍攝團隊,分別到各校藥園園圃進行攝製,配合在港、澳、台三地的中藥園虚擬導賞 (Virtual Tour) 製作計劃,相信稍後在6月推出的「百草園」虛擬展覽 (Virtual Expo),定能達到學習、共享與觀摩的全面互動體會。

iHerbal Garden News


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(稅局檔案編號 IRD ref no. 91/15508)

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