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i-Herbal Garden 2023/24/

CCCF Editor

“Herbal Paradise” Exhibition and Event day

will be held soon!


When you browses the “iHerbal Garden 2023/24” website, will you be unsatisfied because can only watch students’ results online? Similarly, students who participate may not feel satisfy and suffer a loss if they can only share with their classmates. This is a rare opportunity to create opportunities. Students can share and show the results of their participation in planting with everyone in person. They’ll interact and talk about the joy and loss, and full of learning and experience in these periods.


On the first Saturday and Sunday in April (April 6-7), the “Herbal Paradise” Exhibition and Event day will be held at CIC-ZCP Multi-purpose Hall in Kowloon Bay. On that day, there were booths for participating schools to display their learning achievements. TCM practitioners and gardeners shared knowledge about Chinese herbal medicine. The “Cultural Knowledge Corner” introduced common herbal plants. There was also a Chinese Herbal Medicine workshop where everyone can join.


Make a note of April 6th and 7th and come to “Herbal Paradise” to play and learn together.

“Herbal Paradise” Exhibition and Event day:

Date: April 6-7, 2024 (Saturday and Sunday)

Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Venue: CIC-ZCP Multi-Purpose Hall (8 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay)

Activities of the day:

1) Booths of participating schools displaying learning achievements

2) TCM practitioners and gardeners share knowledge on Chinese Herbal Medicine

3) Chinese herbal medicine workshop

School exchange period: April 6, 2024 (Saturday) 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm


Chinese herbal medicine workshop

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine Tie Dye (April 6, 2024)

  • Lithospermum Chinese Herbal Soap (April 7, 2024)








時間︰早上10:00 下午5:00


當日活動︰1) 參與學校展示學習成果攤位   2) 中醫師、園藝師到場分享中草藥知識   

     3) 中草藥工作坊

學校交流時段︰202446日(星期六)下午1:30 –下午4:00 



  • 中藥扎染(202446日)

  • 紫草中藥皂(202447日)

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